Week 3: From Provider to Pest: The Decline of Gregor Samsa

Week Breakdown

Monday the 16th

20 minutes to complete Illustrating a Scene!

Objective: Create a one to four panel illustration of the scene in The Metamorphosis that you find the most interesting, funny, or bizarre! Be sure to capture the mood, the action, and the humor! 


Example outline of the chase scene on pages 15-20:  

Key moments of chapter I

Today's reading: Chapter 2 of The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, chapter 2.pdf

Today's practice: Two Column Notes for pages 21-24

TCN for The Metamorphosis, chapter 2, pages 21-24.pdf

Two Column Notes for pages 21-24

Question #1: How might his injury, limbs lifelessly being dragged, be symbolic of modern workers giving themselves up piecemeal (piece by piece)? How may Gregor be giving up himself and quite literally his body?

Question #2: After all the commotion settles down and Gregor is slammed into his room, he notes from the room, “‘What a quiet life the family leads anyways,’ said Gregor to himself, and as he stared ahead into the dark he felt very proud that he had been able to provide his parents and his sister with such a life in such a fine apartment. But what if now all peace, all prosperity, all content, were to end in terror?” (22). How do we establish worth in capitalist society and how can we relate this to Gregor here?

Question #3: Why is it noteworthy that he finds comfort under the couch (23)? How does he describe the experience? 

Question #4: Gregor notes that if it wasn’t for his sister feeding him, he’d starve (23-24). But why would he rather starve than ask for help? Can we relate this to meritocracy, the belief that one’s efforts should determine their success? 

Tuesday the 17th - Wednesday the 18th

Graphic Novel Recap!

Pages 22-23

Pages 24-25

Pages 26-27

Today's reading: Chapter 2 of The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, chapter 2.pdf

Today's practice: Two Column Notes for pages 25-29

TCN for Metamorphosis, chapter 2, pages 25-29.pdf

Thursday the 19th

Class and close readings of pages 30-38

Graphic Novel Recap!

Pages 28-29

Pages 30-31

Pages 32-33

Pages 34-35

Pages 36-37

Pages 38-39

Pages 40-41

Page 42

Friday the 20th

Extra credit: Bargaining Bug: Kafkaesque Amazon Review assignment

Write a creative review of an Amazon product (real or fake) in the voice of one of the characters from The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. Your review should reflect the character’s unique perspective, humor, and experiences in the story. Imagine how their personality and situation would shape their opinion of the product, with a touch of absurdity or irony.


Funny Product Suggestions

Examples of Amazon reviews

Bargaining Bug Kafkaesque Amazon Review PPT.pptx

Amazon template

Bargaining Bug - Kafkaesque Amazon Review activity sheet.docx