Unit 1
Myths, Narratives, and Counternarratives

Notebook Entry #1

Are Myths Innocent?

11 Notebook Entry 1 Are Myths Innocent.docx

Notebook Entry #2

The Burden of History

11 Notebook Entry 2.docx

Notebook Entry #2

A Hole Meant for Me

11 Notebook Entry 2: A Hole Meant for Me.docx

Common Assessment #1

"America" by Claude McKay and "Let America Be America Again" by Langston Hughes

America by Claude McKay and Let America Be America Again by Langston Hughes .docx

The Multiple Choice portion of Common Assessment

The Writing portion of Common Assessment

Common Assessment writing portion.docx

Unit 1 Final Assessment: (Re)defining the Dream

Based on the texts, videos, images and discussions we've had this unit, define what you believe the American Dream is. Then, reflect on how this concept has been portrayed across the texts we've studied and how they influenced your perspective. Consider how each author or artist views the American Dream—do they see it as attainable, idealistic, flawed, or evolving? Use specific examples from at least two of the texts we've read to support your response.






Some texts to consider

Unit 2
Systemic Racism and the American Dream

Two Column Notes for Act 1, Scene 1 for A Raisin in the Sun

Two Column Notes for Act 1, Scene 1 for A Raisin in the Sun.pdf

Two Column Notes for Act 1, Scene 2 for A Raisin in the Sun

Two Column Notes for Act 1, Scene 2.pdf

Two Column Notes for Act 2, Scene 1 for A Raisin in the Sun

Two Column Notes for Act 2, Scene 1 of A Raisin in the Sun.pdf

Unit 3
The Land of Opportunity: Narratology and the Immigrant Experience

Unit 4
Interviewing the American Dream: Journalism and Research


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