Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA) Neighborhood Data
Learning about our Neighborhoods
Directions: In your notebook, make a T-chart of your neighborhood and any other neighborhood you want to compare it to. My tip is to pick a neighborhood that you deem significantly different than yours, whether that's wealth, race, ethnicity, culture, nationality, or location is up to you!
Starter: If you had to estimate, what would be the racial demographic breakdown of your neighborhood? Fill in this bar graph by % amounts.
Categories: Black/African American, White, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, Other
Actual Racial Demographic: What is the actual breakdown from the Boston Planning and Development Agency (BDPA)?
Comparing Neighborhoods
Racial Demographics:
Write in the racial breakdown of your neighborhood and your comparison neighborhood of choice.
What are the percentages of renters and owners in 1950 compared to the latest data? Did they increase or decrease?
Jobs and Education:
What are the top occupations, the percentage with a high school and college degree, and median household income?
Historical Trends and the Future:
Note at least two interesting facts about the community in the “Trends” section.