Mr. Roberts' email address:

Email me questions, concerns, or things you'd like printed!


11th Grade English Syllabus 2024-2025.docx

Grading Policy

0/10 = Cheated, plagiarized, copied, or created by AI (ChatGPT)

5/10 = Did not complete the assignment

6/10 = Started the assignment (25%-50% done)

7/10 = Almost completed assignment (50%-80% done)

8/10 = Assignment is completed and fulfills all the requirements

9/10 = Strong response to the assignment with clear attention to detail

10/10 = Outstanding response, goes above and beyond, connects ideas to the real world and/or makes a compelling argument

Common Mistakes #1: 3 Quick Tips

Student Model Writing of Intro/body paragraphs

Clean copy

Student Examples of Timed Essay Unit 1 (2022-2023).docx

Mr. Roberts' Feedback

Student Examples of Timed Essay 1.pdf